I’m a teacher, Head of department and English co-ordinator for whole school. I’ve taught in secondary schools and am currently teaching in a special needs school. I enjoy making resources and know they will greatly benefit lots of other students.
I’m a teacher, Head of department and English co-ordinator for whole school. I’ve taught in secondary schools and am currently teaching in a special needs school. I enjoy making resources and know they will greatly benefit lots of other students.
Homework tasks for more weeks than you need. Based on the ‘Knowledge Organisers’ I have also posted.
I hope it’s helpful. Happy to give away for free as we are all in this together.
7 Lesson packets to introduce or recap Media studies main concepts - great for lesson mapping or homework. Suitable for Eduqas Media studies course, however 6 lessons can be used for any media studies course.
A introductory lesson to Eduqas a-level media course. Also included is two transition projects for year 11s and year 12s to complete before they begin in September.
This is the crime drama scheme I use and have had excellent results. These are lesson packets in the style of ‘Teach like a Champion’. They are good to go. Time the tasks for the students and circulate. These are great for a whole bunch of reasons e.g. you can see if the students are looking at the right page, you can see quickly if they have completed the tasks, they can use pencils and correct their answers, if students aren’t in put this in their folder and you’ll see when they are complete easily.
Adapt and change elements if necessary.
Packed full of all the important information your students need to know about the key concepts of Media Language, Audiences, Industries and Representation.
Also, download my free homework tasks that go with these.
Lessons on ‘Music Videos - Roar and Freedom’ for Eduqas GCSE Media studies in lesson packets - similar to worksheets but teacher guidance is needed throughout the lesson and timings must be given for tasks.
You’ll need the Eduqas textbook for some tasks. Mix it up by making some work paired and some group work. Also helpful for students to use for revision if you’ve already been through another scheme of work.
These are what I use and have excellent results.
A-level Media Studies Knowledge organisers for all four key concepts and Long term scheme.
These are packed full of all the info you’re students need for the four key concepts of Media Language, Representation, Audiences and Industries. This includes key theorists, key quotations to use in exam and terminology.